The importance of fresh air

The importance of fresh air

Air is the source of life and vitality. The human lungs filter approximately 12 cubic meters of air every day. Air is vital to our circulatory andrespiratory systems. Without air, human beings can only survive for a few minutes, as the oxygen it contains is crucial for metabolism.

However, our daily welfare depends on the quality of the air we breathe. But where can we find air quality in an urban environment packed with cars and industrial objects? Constantly breathing in polluted air leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body. If concentrations of pollutants are low, their hazardous effects may manifest themselves over a longer period of time. Air pollution is one of the reasons behind lung disease, malign tumours, allergies and other chronic conditions.

Most of us don’t hesitate to seize any opportunity to escape to nature where fresh air is abundant. In the woods, in the mountains, by the sea or near a waterfall, there is thousands of times more fresh air than in our regular living environments. Scientists have established that the beneficial effects of freshness are linked to the concentration of anions in the air. Just consider the differences in numbers:

Concentration of negative ions per cm3

  • Waterfalls: 95,000-450,000
  • Mountains, coasts, forests: 50,000-100,000
  • Fields: 5,000-50,000
  • Cities: 100-2,000
  • Domestic environments, offices: 40-100

Superoxide anions, or negative air ions, are microscopic air particles that negatively charged. For living beings to function normally, air must contain negatively charged oxygen ions along with regular oxygen molecules.

However, growing populations, rapidly developing technology and rising consumption levels are contaminating the environment at accelerating rates. This leads to the imbalance of positive and negative ions, which makes an environment biologically inactive. The abundance of computers and other electric devices indoors exert a very negative influence on air quality.

The quantity and ratio of positive and negative ions in the air may vary depending on season, geographic location, meteorological conditions and especially air pollution. Indoors, for instance, due to the ion absorption of plastic items, their concentration in offices and homes is minimal.

This raises a serious question: how can we maintain good health in our day to day lives?

Benefits of artificial ionization

The answer to the above question lies in artificial ionization. Indeed, why don’t you try out a quality air ionizer as an alternative? Most ionisers operate on the principle of negative corona discharge. The air in the environment is constantly full of large quantities of anions which are the basis of its purity. In premises where the concentration of anions reaches 100,000/1 m3 we feel as if we are in the woods.

Besides, negative ions attract airborne pollutant particles such as dust, pollen, mould, bacteria, viruses and hazardous chemical compounds and allow them to be absorbed by the positively charged catchers of an ionization device. As a result, the concentration of pollutants in the air is significantly reduced. On the other hand, the air is saturated with negative ions that serve as “air vitamins”. The air becomes fresh and clean, as it would be after the rain. Clinical research has found that the prophylactic effect of ionic air is conducive to strengthening the immune system and facilitates the treatment of bronchial asthma, allergic diseases, sinusitis, laryngitis, hypertension, migraines and insomnia among others.

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