Acidification of the Body

Acidification of the Body

In this day and age young people are increasingly affected by age-associated diseases. Environmental pollution, bad eating habits, stress, fatigue, smoking, drinking and a sedentary lifestyle are frequently cited as the negative factors that throw the body off balance and lead to metabolic disorders and the general acidification of the body.

The accumulation of acidic waste in the body’s internal environment – in the blood, interstitial fluid and lymph – results in acidosis or the disruption of pH balance. Acidosis is said to occur when blood pH levels fall below the normal range of 7.35-7.45, which indicates slight alkalinity. Only this kind of blood can

supply the body with essential nutrients and remove acidic waste.

Accumulation of acidic waste

Acidic waste is a natural by-product of the cell metabolism. There are as many as 60 trillion cells in the human body, with an average life cycle of 4 weeks. At the end of the cycle every cell splits into two genetically equivalent units. However, only half of the newly formed cells are destined for further development. The rest of the weak, affected and polluted cells will simply degenerate. Every other million cells will perish and become acidic waste. Negative factors related to environment and lifestyle make the situation worse, as they not only promote the accumulation of acidic waste but also prevent its elimination. However, the natural process of ageing also takes its toll – the internal environment of the body tends to acidify with the passing years. It is often the case that beyond the age of 45 the body loses its ability to get rid of accumulated acidic waste and begins storing it in various parts of the body.

Importance of nutrition

Let’s first consider nutrition – the number one cause of acidification. All foodstuffs provide the essential nutrients and energy necessary for the development and growth of human body. The difference between good and bad food is determined by the relative amount of hazardous waste produced as a result of its consumption. High quality foodstuffs produce less acidic waste and more acid-neutralizing alkaline by-products. Bear in mind that alkaline substances neutralize acidic waste and cleanse the body, whereas acidic substances lead to acidification and contamination.

One of the main pillars of good health is acid-alkaline balance. Unfortunately, the foods available today are rich in acidifying substances. This includes goods such as meat and meat products, eggs, wheat flour products, coffee, alcohol, pasteurized juices, fish and sea food, bread, sweets, soft drinks, etc.

The list of alkaline products is much shorter: fresh fruit and vegetables, lettuce, potatoes, natural mineral water and a few others. It is clear that maintaining an acid-alkaline balance by means of nutrition only can be quite a challenge.

Negative consequences of stress

Eating habits are not the only cause of acidificationLifestyle plays a significant role here too. We allow ourselves to be busy at all times, give in to stress easily, frequently stray from our daily routine and otherwise strain our system. Nervous stress plays a critical role here. In fact, it is much more dangerous than physical stress, the negative effects of which you can alleviate with a bit of rest. Stress tends to elicit biochemical changes in the body which lead to an increased heart rate, higher blood pressure and the redistribution of blood supply in various organs.

Both physical and nervous stress add to the the acidity of the body’s internal environment. A fine example of this is the peptic ulcer. In stressful situations you tend to consume and burn more nutrients. As a result, more waste is produced than the body is capable of eliminating. Long-term exposure to stress leads to various diseases and accelerates ageing.

Acidification and disease

Healthy cells need an alkaline environment. Evidence shows that excess acidity is the root cause of all disease. Every disease, from the common cold to cancer, manifests itself when the body becomes incapable of coping with the accumulation of acidic waste and resisting the damaging effect of free radicals. The increasing acidity of the body’s internal environment leads to poor blood circulation and sets the stage for the development of multiple diseases.

Many of us worry when we feel pain in various parts of our body. A frequent cause of pain is acidic waste. Soft red blood cells tend to stiffen and harden in an acidic environment. They can hardly pass through the hair-thin capillaries which serve as channels for the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste. Blood tends to thicken in an acidic environment – this process is one of the causes of hypertension.

Specific symptoms occur depending on where the acidic waste has accumulated.

  • In blood vessels, it sets the stage for the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • A sharp rise in blood pressure under conditions of physical strain and nervous stress can push floating particles and make blood vessels supplying blood to the brain jam up, thus posing a very real threat of stroke.
  • Acidic waste around the pancreas disturbs the secretion of insulin, which can lead to diabetes.
  • Moreover, the acidification of the body has a direct effect on the development of osteoporosis because the body uses the calcium stored in the bones for the neutralization of waste.

The list may go on and on…

However, the secret to good health and longevity lies in the capacity of the body to neutralize and get rid of acidic waste. Of course, you have to make an effort to regulate pH levels in the body by adjusting your bad habits first. The inclusion of alkalized water in your diet is an excellent choice, as it tackles the task with great efficiency.

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Useful literature & Links

Joseph J., Recover Your Health: Simple Uncensored Health Strategies. Indiana, USA, 2012 Kurzwell R., Grossman T., Fantastic Voyage: Live Long to Live Forever. Portland, USA, 2004 Lark